Q: How long are your shows
A: School and Upward Shows are normally around 30 minutes long. However, we can do shows ranging from 10 – 45 min (pricing varies).
Q: How many kids can watch at one time
A: How many can you pack into a gym?! We have performed for several hundred kids at once as well as performed for as few as 30 in one grade. Its honestly up to you.
Q: How much space do you need to perform
A: At least half court or half of a gym floor.
Q: Sound Equipment
A: We need a microphone (wireless or cord) and a headphone jack to plug into an ipod.
Q: Can you do multiple shows in a day
A: Yes! We love doing multiple shows at a school, church or any venue! There is a discount for multiple shows booked.
Q: Do we have to pay for travel?
A: Yes and No!.... When we travel to perform, we like to work with several schools in one area to help split the travel cost between all of the schools. So we do our very best to minimize cost for each of our valued clients.
jUMP rope classes
Q: How long are the classes?
A: Classes are 45 – 60 min. We are flexible and can do 20 – 30 min classes that fit a school or rec centers rotation schedules.
Q: Do we have to supply the ropes?
A: No. We provide all of the ropes for the students to use during the classes. Ropes are always available to be purchased by the students or the facility to have their own to continue practicing!
Q: How many sessions?
A: Varies!... When we work with schools and rec centers we typically do a 4 – 8 week session so the students are able to progress and get better. If youre facility would like to do a full semester or a different number of sessions we can do that also.
Q: Do you have classes for adults?
A: Yes! We love doing adult jump rope fitness classes.
double under clinics
Q: How long are the clinics
A: Our double under clinics are 30 – 60 mins long
Q: How many athletes can be a part of the clinic
A: We say no more than 25 so that we can give individual feedback for your athletes